`glurmo` by example

Version 0.1

A brief guide to using the `glurmo` command line utility

A first pass

A first look at glurmo

I will say up front here that this first example is extremely contrived, and might seem silly to you for several reasons. However, the purpose of this first section is not to show you a killer example of glurmo. Rather, this example will introduce you to the basic mechanics of glurmo. Please don’t skip this section- the things we go over here will be the foundation for understanding future examples.

The example

The directory we’ll be working with for this example can be found here in the simple-lm directory. Right now, this should only contain one directory (.glurmo) with three files (script_template, settings.json, and slurm_template).

Last updated on 2 Sep 2024
Published on 2 Sep 2024
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