`glurmo` by example

Version 0.1

A brief guide to using the `glurmo` command line utility



Thanks for sticking with the tutorial until the end! I hope I’ve convinced you that glurmo is a worthwhile project.

Next steps

There is still more to learn about glurmo, and the things you can do with the templating engine. For example, everything I showed in the previous section can be done in scripts as well, since both are templated in the same way. This tutorial has also not covered how to manage your simulations, though I plan to add that in future updates. Additionally, there are also features of glurmo that I have not added yet but would like to in the future. Stay tuned!

Questions? Bugs?

If you have any questions, feel free to email me! You can find my email at the bottom of the page here. If you find any bugs, please open an issue in the glurmo repository.

Last updated on 7 Sep 2024
Published on 7 Sep 2024
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