`glurmo` by example

Version 0.1

A brief guide to using the `glurmo` command line utility

Setting up

Multiple parameter vectors

If we look at .glurmo/settings.json we will see a new change in addition to the one from the previous section:

    "N" : "@[100, 200, 300]",
	"beta_0" : "1",	
	"beta_1" : "@[1, 2, 3]",

Now, in addition to varying beta_1, we’ll be varying the sample size N as well.

Setting up

We can set up this simulation in exactly the same way as before. As always, ensure you are in the simulation directory and run:

$ glurmo -s .

You will see substantially more messages showing the progress of the setup, though this should not take too long. If you look at the contents of varied-lm-2, you should now see three subdirectories: N_100, N_200, and N_300. These are exactly analogous to the subdirectories that were set up in the previous example.

Let’s check the settings file in N_100, which can be found in N_100/.glurmo/settings.json. Specifically, let’s look at the entry for beta_1:

    "beta_1": "@[1, 2, 3]"

This again speaks to the recursive nature of glurmo directories: each setting for N is just a glurmo simulation with N set to a specific value, and aside from that all of the same parameter settings (including parameter vectors).

It is worth emphasizing that by changing a single line in our settings file (not including the simulation id), we went from having three simulation settings to nine. This is one of the really nice things about .glurmo: it makes it easy to alter and scale up simulations as necessary.

Last updated on 7 Sep 2024
Published on 7 Sep 2024
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