`glurmo` by example

Version 0.1

A brief guide to using the `glurmo` command line utility


Running the simulation

There are two ways we could run this simulation. Since all three subdirectories are themselves complete glurmo directories, we could simply go to each of them in turn in whatever order we choose and run them sequentially. However, we can also run them all in parallel from the varied-lm directory.

To do so, ensure you are in the varied-lm subdirectory, and simply run the command:

$ glurmo -r 5 .

After some amount of time, you should get the following message:

$ Successfully submitted 15 jobs

Why 15 when we only submitted 5? When you submit jobs in a glurmo directory that contains glurmo subdirectories, the number of jobs you submit will be submitted in all of those subdirectories. Since there are three glurmo subdirectories, this command submitted a total of 15 jobs.

Next steps

Hopefully this raises a pretty natural question for you: what happens if you have multiple parameters with parameter vectors? We’ll cover that in the next section, but in short, exactly what you’d expect.

Last updated on 7 Sep 2024
Published on 7 Sep 2024
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