`glurmo` by example

Version 0.1

A brief guide to using the `glurmo` command line utility

Templating logic

Using the templating engine

So far everything we’ve covered is theoretically possible with slurm job arrays. However, in this section, we’re going to cover something that glurmo is uniquely capable of: using templating logic.

To offer a motivating example, we have covered how to run a variety of simulations using parameter vectors. However, in real simulation studies, different parameter combinations may require different computational resources, in terms of memory, CPUs, and time. One solution to this problem is to simply request the maximum necessary resources for all simulations, but this is not ideal. If some jobs require radically more resources, then the less resource intensive settings will take longer than they have to to be scheduled, and will potentially prevent other jobs from being scheduled that could realistically be run at the same time. Ideally, we’d like to only request the minimum resources we need by setting. glurmo can accomplish this using templating logic, we will discuss in the next section.

This part of the tutorial will focus on the conditional-lm subdirectory, which can be found here.

Last updated on 2 Sep 2024
Published on 2 Sep 2024
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